Opinion on Draft DRS 7 "Presentation of consolidated equity"
Opinion on Draft DRS 8 "Shares of associated companies in the consolidated accounts"
Opinion on Draft DRS 9 "Shares of consolidated companies in the group accounts"
Opinion on Draft DRS 13 "Notes and related persons"
Opinion on Draft "Standards and rules for harmonizing core conduct of business rules for investor production" of the Forum of European Securities Commissions (FESCO) jointly with the Euro-Associations within the International Group of Treasures Associations (IGTA)
Opinion on "Exposure Draft of Proposed Improvements to IAS" of the IASB
Opinion on "Exposure Draft First-time Application of International Financial Reporting Standards" of the IASB
Opinion on "Amendments to IAS 32, Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation, and IAS 39, Financial Instruments; Recognition and Measurement" of the IASB
Opinion on IFRIC D3 "Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease"
Opinion of the Workshop "Financial Accounting" on the Comment Letter of DRS concerning the IASB Discussion Paper "Management Commentary" (MC)
Opinion of the Workshop "Financial Accounting" on "Questionnaire regarding the 'Analysis of Potential Impacts' of the Endorsement of IFRS 8" to the DRSC and EU-Commission from June 2007